Physical Review E – May 1998
Volume 57, Issue 5


General methods of statistical physics

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Classical fluids

Liquid crystals

Tilt, polarity, and spontaneous symmetry breaking in liquid crystals
Alexandros G. Vanakaras, Demetri J. Photinos, and Edward T. Samulski
pp. R4875-R4878 [View PDF (228 kB)]

Complex fluids and polymers

Three-dimensional mesoscale dynamics of block copolymers under shear: The dynamic density-functional approach
A. V. Zvelindovsky, G. J. A. Sevink, B. A. C. van Vlimmeren, N. M. Maurits, and J. G. E. M. Fraaije
pp. R4879-R4882 [View PDF (605 kB)]
Incomplete phase separation in mixed monolayers
A. Weinstein and S. A. Safran
pp. R4883-R4886 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Long-term gelation of laponite aqueous dispersions
A. Mourchid and P. Levitz
pp. R4887-R4890 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Spatial correlations in compressible granular flows
T. P. C. van Noije, M. H. Ernst, and R. Brito
pp. R4891-R4894 [View PDF (165 kB)]

Plasma physics

Measurement of the stimulated Brillouin scattering reflectivity from a spatially smoothed laser beam in a homogeneous large scale plasma
S. D. Baton, F. Amiranoff, V. Malka, A. Modena, M. Salvati, C. Coulaud, C. Rousseaux, N. Renard, Ph. Mounaix, and C. Stenz
pp. R4895-R4898 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Guiding of a 10-TW picosecond laser pulse through hollow capillary tubes
M. Borghesi, A. J. Mackinnon, R. Gaillard, O. Willi, and A. A. Offenberger
pp. R4899-R4902 [View PDF (192 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Controlling friction
Franz-Josef Elmer
pp. R4903-R4906 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Traversal time of acoustic plate waves through a tunneling section
A. Alippi, M. Germano, A. Bettucci, F. Farrelly, and G. Muzio
pp. R4907-R4910 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Traveling-wave–standing-wave competition in a generalized complex Swift-Hohenberg equation
Víctor J. Sánchez-Morcillo, Germán J. de Valcárcel, Eugenio Roldán, and Kestutis Staliunas
pp. R4911-R4914 [View PDF (395 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Interaction-driven equilibrium and statistical laws in small systems: The cerium atom
V. V. Flambaum, A. A. Gribakina, G. F. Gribakin, and I. V. Ponomarev
pp. 4933-4942 [View PDF (566 kB)]
Soliton approach to the noisy Burgers equation: Steepest descent method
Hans C. Fogedby
pp. 4943-4968 [View PDF (408 kB)]
Isomorphic multifractal shear flows for hard disks via adiabatic and isokinetic nonequilibrium molecular dynamics
Christoph Dellago, Wm. G. Hoover, and Harald A. Posch
pp. 4969-4975 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Geometric cluster Monte Carlo simulation
J. R. Heringa and H. W. J. Blöte
pp. 4976-4978 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Stochastic resonance in nonpotential systems
T. Alarcón, A. Pérez-Madrid, and J. M. Rubí
pp. 4979-4985 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Bifurcations from steady sliding to stick slip in boundary lubrication
A. A. Batista and J. M. Carlson
pp. 4986-4996 [View PDF (214 kB)]
Smooth phases, roughening transitions, and novel exponents in one-dimensional growth models
U. Alon, M. R. Evans, H. Hinrichsen, and D. Mukamel
pp. 4997-5012 [View PDF (365 kB)]
Critical lines of the Yang-Lee edge singularity of Ising ferromagnets on square, triangular, and honeycomb lattices
Xian-Zhi Wang and Jai Sam Kim
pp. 5013-5018 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Self-organized criticality in dynamics without branching
Prashant M. Gade and M. P. Joy
pp. 5019-5022 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and quantum tunneling with dissipation
Kazuo Fujikawa
pp. 5023-5029 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Glass synchronization in the network of oscillators with random phase shifts
Kibeom Park, Sung Wu Rhee, and M. Y. Choi
pp. 5030-5035 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Adiabatic reduction near a bifurcation in stochastically modulated systems
François Drolet and Jorge Viñals
pp. 5036-5043 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Sensitivity of ballistic deposition to pseudorandom number generators
Raissa M. D’Souza, Yaneer Bar-Yam, and Mehran Kardar
pp. 5044-5052 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Dynamics and roughness of reaction fronts in heterogeneous solid-state chemical reactions
V. I. Yudson, M. Schulz, and S. Stepanow
pp. 5053-5059 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Disordered one-dimensional contact process
Raffaele Cafiero, Andrea Gabrielli, and Miguel A. Muñoz
pp. 5060-5068 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Dynamics of ordering of Heisenberg spins with torque: Nonconserved case
Jayajit Das and Madan Rao
pp. 5069-5078 [View PDF (1,435 kB)]
Tricritical behavior in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass under a bimodal random field
E. Nogueira, Jr., F. D. Nobre, F. A. da Costa, and S. Coutinho
pp. 5079-5086 [View PDF (173 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Hydrodynamic limits for the monomer-dimer surface reaction: Chemical diffusion, wave propagation, and equistability
M. Tammaro and J. W. Evans
pp. 5087-5094 [View PDF (208 kB)]
Self-organized criticality as an absorbing-state phase transition
Ronald Dickman, Alessandro Vespignani, and Stefano Zapperi
pp. 5095-5105 [View PDF (309 kB)]
Molecular-dynamics investigation of the desensitization of detonable material
Betsy M. Rice, William Mattson, and Samuel F. Trevino
pp. 5106-5111 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Stochastic resonant media: Effect of local and nonlocal coupling in reaction-diffusion models
F. Castelpoggi and H. S. Wio
pp. 5112-5121 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Stochastic resonant media: Signal-to-noise ratio for the activator-inhibitor system through a quasivariational approach
M. N. Kuperman, H. S. Wio, G. Izús, and R. Deza
pp. 5122-5125 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Localized vibrations in slider-block models
Gleb Morein and Donald L. Turcotte
pp. 5126-5134 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Riemannian geometric approach to critical points: General theory
George Ruppeiner
pp. 5135-5145 [View PDF (236 kB)]
Characterizations of natural patterns
Gemunu H. Gunaratne, David K. Hoffman, and Donald J. Kouri
pp. 5146-5149 [View PDF (652 kB)]
Generalized-Lorentzian path integrals
Rudolf A. Treumann
pp. 5150-5153 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Rocked thermal ratchets: The high-frequency limit
J. Plata
pp. 5154-5159 [View PDF (111 kB)]
Short-time regime propagator in fractals
L. Acedo and S. Bravo Yuste
pp. 5160-5167 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Damage spreading for one-dimensional, nonequilibrium models with parity conserving phase transitions
Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd
pp. 5168-5177 [View PDF (215 kB)]
Physical limits on the notion of very low temperatures
Juhao Wu and A. Widom
pp. 5178-5183 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Isotropic transverse XY chain with energy and magnetization currents
T. Antal, Z. Rácz, A. Rákos, and G. M. Schütz
pp. 5184-5189 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Finite-size scaling in space-time
Michael F. Zimmer
pp. 5190-5195 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Front interaction on a ring electrode
Oleksiy Orlychenko, Yi Ye, and Hsueh-Chia Chang
pp. 5196-5201 [View PDF (1,288 kB)]
Fluctuational phase-flip transitions in parametrically driven oscillators
M. I. Dykman, C. M. Maloney, V. N. Smelyanskiy, and M. Silverstein
pp. 5202-5212 [View PDF (730 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Phase transitions in lattices of coupled chaotic maps and their dependence on the local Lyapunov exponent
Francisco Sastre and Gabriel Pérez
pp. 5213-5216 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Hierarchical globally coupled systems
Sudeshna Sinha, Gabriel Pérez, and Hilda A. Cerdeira
pp. 5217-5229 [View PDF (392 kB)]
Controlling quasiperiodicity in a CO2 laser with delayed feedback
A. Labate, M. Ciofini, and R. Meucci
pp. 5230-5236 [View PDF (179 kB)]
Deterministic transport in biased maps: Crossover from dispersive to regular transport
E. Barkai and J. Klafter
pp. 5237-5246 [View PDF (200 kB)]
Observation of generalized synchronization of chaos in a driven chaotic system
D. Y. Tang, R. Dykstra, M. W. Hamilton, and N. R. Heckenberg
pp. 5247-5251 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Quantum wells in tilted fields: Semiclassical analysis and experimental evidence for effects “beyond” periodic orbits
D. S. Saraga and T. S. Monteiro
pp. 5252-5265 [View PDF (403 kB)]
Planck’s-constant dependence of the scaling of localization length in quantum dynamics
G. O. Morrow and L. E. Reichl
pp. 5266-5270 [View PDF (161 kB)]
Failure of linear control in noisy coupled map lattices
David A. Egolf and Joshua E. S. Socolar
pp. 5271-5275 [View PDF (115 kB)]
Dynamics of vortex lines in the three-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation: Instability, stretching, entanglement, and helices
I. S. Aranson, A. R. Bishop, and L. Kramer
pp. 5276-5286 [View PDF (1,043 kB)]
Breaking the symmetry in bimodal frequency distributions of globally coupled oscillators
J. A. Acebrón, L. L. Bonilla, S. De Leo, and R. Spigler
pp. 5287-5290 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Quantum-classical correspondence in energy space: Two interacting spin particles
F. Borgonovi, I. Guarneri, and F. M. Izrailev
pp. 5291-5302 [View PDF (262 kB)]
Computing the diffusion coefficient for intermittent maps: Resummation of stability ordered cycle expansions
Carl P. Dettmann and Per Dahlqvist
pp. 5303-5310 [View PDF (254 kB)]
Second topological conjugate transformation in symbolic dynamics
Shou-Li Peng and Xu-Sheng Zhang
pp. 5311-5324 [View PDF (305 kB)]
Arnold diffusion in many weakly coupled mappings
Allan J. Lichtenberg and Anish M. Aswani
pp. 5325-5331 [View PDF (174 kB)]
Nonchaotic attractors with highly fluctuating finite-time Lyapunov exponents
J. W. Shuai and K. W. Wong
pp. 5332-5336 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Targeting in chaotic scattering
Elbert E. N. Macau
pp. 5337-5346 [View PDF (241 kB)]
Weak turbulence and structure evolution in N-body Hamiltonian systems with long-range force
Mickaël Antoni, Yves Elskens, and Caroline Sandoz
pp. 5347-5357 [View PDF (510 kB)]
Extended pole placement technique and its applications for targeting unstable periodic orbit
Zhao Hong, Wang Yinghai, and Zhang Zhibin
pp. 5358-5365 [View PDF (187 kB)]
Gluing bifurcations in optothermal nonlinear devices
R. Herrero, J. Farjas, R. Pons, F. Pi, and G. Orriols
pp. 5366-5377 [View PDF (267 kB)]
Symbolic dynamics analysis of the Lorenz equations
Bai-lin Hao, Jun-Xian Liu, and Wei-mou Zheng
pp. 5378-5396 [View PDF (309 kB)]
Numerical verification of Percival’s conjecture in a quantum billiard
Gabriel Carlo, Eduardo Vergini, and Alejandro J. Fendrik
pp. 5397-5403 [View PDF (1,128 kB)]
Semiclassical theory of flexural vibrations of plates
E. Bogomolny and E. Hugues
pp. 5404-5424 [View PDF (430 kB)]
Rate of quantum ergodicity in Euclidean billiards
A. Bäcker, R. Schubert, and P. Stifter
pp. 5425-5447 [View PDF (999 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Experimental measurement of the degree of chaotic synchronization using a distribution exponent
P. Khoury, M. A. Lieberman, and A. J. Lichtenberg
pp. 5448-5466 [View PDF (414 kB)]
Quantum-classical correspondence of entropy contours in the transition to chaos
Raphael Zarum and Sarben Sarkar
pp. 5467-5471 [View PDF (4,422 kB)]

Classical fluids

Cylindrical solitary waves and their interaction in Bénard-Marangoni layers
Guoxiang Huang, Manuel G. Velarde, and Vadim N. Kurdyumov
pp. 5473-5482 [View PDF (297 kB)]
Transport of turbulent vorticity increments
R. A. Antonia, M. Ould-Rouis, Y. Zhu, and F. Anselmet
pp. 5483-5488 [View PDF (156 kB)]
Improved multifractal box-counting algorithm, virtual phase transitions, and negative dimensions
Markus Alber and Joachim Peinke
pp. 5489-5493 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Spatial structure of the thermal boundary layer in turbulent convection
Siu-Lung Lui and Ke-Qing Xia
pp. 5494-5503 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Observability of the bulk Casimir effect: Can the dynamical Casimir effect be relevant to sonoluminescence?
Kimball A. Milton and Y. Jack Ng
pp. 5504-5510 [View PDF (154 kB)]
Multiscaling in passive scalar advection as stochastic shape dynamics
Omri Gat and Reuven Zeitak
pp. 5511-5519 [View PDF (187 kB)]
Oscillations in confined gases
O. L. de Lange and J. Pierrus
pp. 5520-5532 [View PDF (271 kB)]
Dynamo bifurcations in an array of driven convectionlike rolls
S. Rüdiger, F. Feudel, and N. Seehafer
pp. 5533-5538 [View PDF (176 kB)]
Structure of a hard-sphere fluid near a rough surface: A density-functional approach
D. Henderson, S. Sokołowski, and D. Wasan
pp. 5539-5543 [View PDF (174 kB)]
Magnetotransport in the two-dimensional Lorentz gas
A. Kuzmany and H. Spohn
pp. 5544-5553 [View PDF (242 kB)]
Linear and weakly nonlinear analysis of doubly diffusive vertical slot convection
Y. Young and R. Rosner
pp. 5554-5563 [View PDF (230 kB)]
Thermoconvective instability of paramagnetic fluids in a nonuniform magnetic field
Jie Huang, Donald D. Gray, and Boyd F. Edwards
pp. 5564-5571 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Proton-proton pair distribution in dense fluid hydrogen
Stefan Nagel, Ronald Redmer, Gerd Röpke, Michael Knaup, and Christian Toepffer
pp. 5572-5577 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Effect of spatial and temporal variations of the boundary temperature on the thermal stability of horizontal flows
Olaf Stiller, Wolfgang Schöpf, John C. Patterson, and Andrew Schultz
pp. 5578-5584 [View PDF (158 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Molecular-dynamics simulation of the smectic-A* twist grain-boundary phase
Michael P. Allen, Mark A. Warren, and Mark R. Wilson
pp. 5585-5596 [View PDF (8,617 kB)]
Hydrodynamics of smectic-C liquid crystals: Field and flow induced instabilities in confined geometries
Sreejith Sukumaran and G. S. Ranganath
pp. 5597-5608 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Orientation mode selection mechanisms for sheared nematic liquid crystalline materials
Tomohiro Tsuji and Alejandro D. Rey
pp. 5609-5625 [View PDF (1,599 kB)]
Stability of traveling waves in smectic-C liquid crystals
I. W. Stewart
pp. 5626-5633 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Type-II phase-matched second-harmonic generation in ferroelectric liquid crystals
J. Etxebarria, Naia Pereda, C. L. Folcia, and J. Ortega
pp. 5634-5638 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Surface dynamics of a freely standing smectic-A film
Hsuan-Yi Chen and David Jasnow
pp. 5639-5643 [View PDF (778 kB)]
Alignment of liquid crystals on polyimide films exposed to ultraviolet light
Jae-Hoon Kim, Satyendra Kumar, and Sin-Doo Lee
pp. 5644-5650 [View PDF (529 kB)]
Structural transitions in surface-stabilized smectic-C cells near the smectic-C–smetic-A phase-transition temperature
N. Vaupotič, M. Čopič, and T. J. Sluckin
pp. 5651-5659 [View PDF (197 kB)]

Complex fluids and polymers

Temperature of a granular material “fluidized” by external vibrations
V. Kumaran
pp. 5660-5664 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Relaxation of a supercritical fluid after a heat pulse in the absence of gravity effects: Theory and experiments
Y. Garrabos, M. Bonetti, D. Beysens, F. Perrot, T. Fröhlich, P. Carlès, and B. Zappoli
pp. 5665-5681 [View PDF (1,264 kB)]
Gas-liquid coexistence and demixing in systems with highly directional pair potentials
M. J. Blair and G. N. Patey
pp. 5682-5686 [View PDF (96 kB)]
See Also: Comment
Orientational effects in the channel flow of flexible and rigid molecules
Y. Radzyner and D. C. Rapaport
pp. 5687-5693 [View PDF (155 kB)]
Beyond the harmonic bending theory of ionic surfactant interfaces
A. Fogden, I. Carlsson, and J. Daicic
pp. 5694-5706 [View PDF (260 kB)]
Molecular-dynamics study of long-lived structures in a fragile glass-forming liquid
Gregory Johnson, Andrew I. Mel’cuk, Harvey Gould, W. Klein, and Raymond D. Mountain
pp. 5707-5718 [View PDF (734 kB)]
Model ground state of polyampholytes
Shay Wolfling and Yacov Kantor
pp. 5719-5725 [View PDF (147 kB)]
Physics of thermohydraulic explosions
Ralf Büttner and Bernd Zimanowski
pp. 5726-5729 [View PDF (69 kB)]
Peierls-Boltzmann equation for ballistic deposition
Moshe Schwartz and S. F. Edwards
pp. 5730-5739 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Polar orientational phase transition in smectic monolayers induced by monolayer compression
Chen-Xu Wu and Mitsumasa Iwamoto
pp. 5740-5743 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Density jumps across phase transitions in soft-matter systems
Hartmut Graf and Hartmut Löwen
pp. 5744-5753 [View PDF (496 kB)]
Growth of unstable interfaces in disordered media
A. M. Lacasta, L. Ramírez-Piscina, J. Casademunt, A. Hernández-Machado, and M. A. Rodríguez
pp. 5754-5760 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Structural transitions of an electrorheological and magnetorheological fluid
R. Tao and Qi Jiang
pp. 5761-5765 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Light absorption study of aggregating porphyrin in aqueous solutions
Norberto Micali, Luigi Monsu’ Scolaro, Andrea Romeo, and Francesco Mallamace
pp. 5766-5770 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Growing length scale related to the solidlike behavior in a supercooled liquid
Rajeev Ahluwalia and Shankar P. Das
pp. 5771-5774 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Unfold dynamics of generalized Gaussian structures
H. Schiessel
pp. 5775-5781 [View PDF (168 kB)]
Adsorption-induced reversible colloidal aggregation
B. M. Law, J.-M. Petit, and D. Beysens
pp. 5782-5794 [View PDF (239 kB)]
Effect of criticality on wetting layers: A Monte Carlo simulation study
Nigel B. Wilding and Michael Krech
pp. 5795-5801 [View PDF (129 kB)]
Discrete-to-continuum simulation approach to polymer chain systems: Subdiffusion, segregation, and chain folding
Grace M. Foo and R. B. Pandey
pp. 5802-5810 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Mechanical confinement effects on the phase separation morphology of polymer blend thin films
K. Dalnoki-Veress, J. A. Forrest, and J. R. Dutcher
pp. 5811-5817 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Effective forces between macroions: The cases of asymmetric macroions and added salt
E. Allahyarov, H. Löwen, and S. Trigger
pp. 5818-5824 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Pore-scale model for fluid injection and in situ gelation in porous media
Karsten E. Thompson and H. Scott Fogler
pp. 5825-5832 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Mode-coupling theory for the shear viscosity in supercooled liquids
T. Franosch and W. Götze
pp. 5833-5840 [View PDF (221 kB)]
Nonlocal approach to the analysis of the stress distribution in granular systems. I. Theoretical framework
V. M. Kenkre, J. E. Scott, E. A. Pease, and A. J. Hurd
pp. 5841-5849 [View PDF (236 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Nonlocal approach to the analysis of the stress distribution in granular systems. II. Application to experiment
J. E. Scott, V. M. Kenkre, and A. J. Hurd
pp. 5850-5857 [View PDF (496 kB)]
Theory of anomalous chemical transport in random fracture networks
Brian Berkowitz and Harvey Scher
pp. 5858-5869 [View PDF (1,044 kB)]

Biological physics

Auditory nerve fiber modeling: A stochastic Melnikov approach
Marek Franaszek and Emil Simiu
pp. 5870-5876 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Simulating cancer-cell kinetics after drug treatment: Application to cisplatin on ovarian carcinoma
F. Montalenti, G. Sena, P. Cappella, and P. Ubezio
pp. 5877-5887 [View PDF (220 kB)]
Chromosome structure predicted by a polymer model
Christian Münkel and Jörg Langowski
pp. 5888-5896 [View PDF (753 kB)]
Dynamics of coevolutive processes
J. Fernández, A. Plastino, L. Diambra, and C. Mostaccio
pp. 5897-5903 [View PDF (137 kB)]
Dripping faucet with ants
Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Arnaud Lioni, François Libert, Christian Sauwens, and Luc Passera
pp. 5904-5907 [View PDF (323 kB)]
Effect of the slow transient phenomenon of a synaptic modification on vestibulo-ocular reflex adaptation
K. Tsusaka
pp. 5908-5913 [View PDF (135 kB)]
Effect of random synaptic dilution on recalling dynamics in an oscillator neural network
Katsunori Kitano and Toshio Aoyagi
pp. 5914-5919 [View PDF (201 kB)]

Plasma physics

Computer simulations of cathodeless, high-brightness electron-beam production by multiple laser beams in plasmas
R. G. Hemker, K.-C. Tzeng, W. B. Mori, C. E. Clayton, and T. Katsouleas
pp. 5920-5928 [View PDF (241 kB)]
Evidence for coherent structures within tokamak plasma turbulence
Lifang Dong, Long Wang, Chunhua Feng, Zanliang Li, Qingxun Zhao, and Guiding Wang
pp. 5929-5936 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Confinement of a mirror plasma with an anisotropic electron distribution function
A. V. Turlapov and V. E. Semenov
pp. 5937-5944 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Electrical conductivity of dense copper and aluminum plasmas
A. W. DeSilva and J. D. Katsouros
pp. 5945-5951 [View PDF (160 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Electron-density measurements in hohlraums using soft-x-ray deflectometry
C. D. Decker, R. A. London, J. A. Harte, L. V. Powers, and J. E. Trebes
pp. 5952-5957 [View PDF (773 kB)]
Karhunen-Loève analysis of spatiotemporal flame patterns
Antonio Palacios, Gemunu H. Gunaratne, Michael Gorman, and Kay A. Robbins
pp. 5958-5971 [View PDF (1,142 kB)]
Stark broadening along the berylliumlike sequence
Th. Wrubel, I. Ahmad, S. Büscher, H.-J. Kunze, and S. H. Glenzer
pp. 5972-5977 [View PDF (330 kB)]
Trapping of an electromagnetic wave by the boundary of a time-varying plasma
M. I. Bakunov and A. V. Maslov
pp. 5978-5987 [View PDF (265 kB)]
Perturbative hypernetted-chain equation for mixtures: Applications to Coulomb plasma and H2+H mixtures
Hong Seok Kang and Francis H. Ree
pp. 5988-5992 [View PDF (108 kB)]

Physics of beams

Amplification regimes of the orotron: A single-resonator amplifier
D. M. Vavriv and K. Schünemann
pp. 5993-6007 [View PDF (305 kB)]
Reaction forces on a relativistic point charge moving above a dielectric or a metallic half-space
D. Schieber and L. Schächter
pp. 6008-6015 [View PDF (190 kB)]
Experimental results on the fast beam-ion instability
M. Kwon, J. Y. Huang, T.-Y. Lee, I. S. Ko, Y. H. Chin, H. Fukuma, M. Isawa, K. Ohmi, and M. Tobiyama
pp. 6016-6019 [View PDF (403 kB)]
Self-consistent distribution of a high brightness beam in a continuous focusing channel and application to halo-free beam transport
Yuri K. Batygin
pp. 6020-6029 [View PDF (294 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Angular momentum loss by a radiating toroidal dipole
E. E. Radescu and D. H. Vlad
pp. 6030-6037 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Macroscopic dynamics in quadratic nonlinear lattices
Peter D. Miller and Ole Bang
pp. 6038-6049 [View PDF (345 kB)]
Breakup of two-dimensional into three-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili solitons
A. Senatorski and E. Infeld
pp. 6050-6055 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Cross-modulation coupling of incoherent soliton modes in photorefractive crystals
V. Kutuzov, V. M. Petnikova, V. V. Shuvalov, and V. A. Vysloukh
pp. 6056-6065 [View PDF (1,966 kB)]
Solitary waves and their critical behavior in a nonlinear nonlocal medium with power-law response
Sumiyoshi Abe and Akihiro Ogura
pp. 6066-6070 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Optical bandpass characteristics of reflectance from random media
Yang Hua and Joseph M. Schmitt
pp. 6071-6074 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Diffusion effects in a nonlinear electrical lattice
P. Marquié, S. Binczak, J. C. Comte, B. Michaux, and J. M. Bilbault
pp. 6075-6078 [View PDF (111 kB)]
Evolution of higher-order bright solitons in a nonlinear medium with memory
L. Gilles, H. Bachiri, and L. Vázquez
pp. 6079-6087 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Conservation of wave action and radiative energy transfer in space- and time-varying media
U. Bellotti and M. Bornatici
pp. 6088-6092 [View PDF (135 kB)]
Observation of self-amplified spontaneous emission in the near-infrared and visible wavelengths
M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, P. Catravas, J.-M. Fang, T. C. Marshall, X. J. Wang, J. S. Wurtele, V. Yakimenko, and L. H. Yu
pp. 6093-6100 [View PDF (275 kB)]
Waves in open systems via a biorthogonal basis
P. T. Leung, W. M. Suen, C. P. Sun, and K. Young
pp. 6101-6104 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Instability of solitons in an inhomogeneous array of optical fibers
I. Relke
pp. 6105-6111 [View PDF (392 kB)]
Transversal parametric oscillation and its external stability in photorefractive sillenite crystals
Evgeny V. Podivilov, Henrik C. Pedersen, Per M. Johansen, and Boris I. Sturman
pp. 6112-6126 [View PDF (354 kB)]
Wave-front curvature in geometrical optics
Richard M. More and Keiji Kosaka
pp. 6127-6134 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Generation of time-aligned picosecond pulses on wavelength-division-multiplexed beams in a nonlinear fiber
C. Yeh, L. Bergman, J. Morookian, and S. Monacos
pp. 6135-6139 [View PDF (101 kB)]

Computational physics

Optimization of Monte Carlo calculations of the effective potential
A. Ardekani and A. G. Williams
pp. 6140-6151 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Interpolating distributed approximating functionals
D. K. Hoffman, G. W. Wei, D. S. Zhang, and D. J. Kouri
pp. 6152-6160 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Simplified spherical harmonic method for coupled electron-photon transport calculations
J. A. Josef and J. E. Morel
pp. 6161-6171 [View PDF (201 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Integral equation for the resonant activation rate
I. Klik and Y. D. Yao
pp. 6180-6183 [View PDF (110 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Experimental observation of a periodic rotating wave in rings of unidirectionally coupled analog Lorenz oscillators
E. Sánchez and M. A. Matías
pp. 6184-6186 [View PDF (104 kB)]

Classical fluids

Energy spectra of strongly stratified and rotating turbulence
Alex Mahalov, Basil Nicolaenko, and Ye Zhou
pp. 6187-6190 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Viscosity and force corrections induced by the elimination of scales of motion in randomly forced turbulence
L. Machiels
pp. 6191-6194 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Binary collision contribution to the longitudinal current correlation function of dense fluids: Numerical results
K. N. Pathak, S. Ranganathan, R. E. Johnson, R. K. Sharma, and K. Tankeshwar
pp. 6195-6197 [View PDF (104 kB)]

Complex fluids and polymers

Competitive evaporation in arrays of droplets
A. M. Lacasta, I. M. Sokolov, J. M. Sancho, and F. Sagués
pp. 6198-6201 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Probability distribution of m-branch subsets in diffusion-limited aggregation
Haruo Honjo and Shonosuke Ohta
pp. 6202-6205 [View PDF (99 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Asymptotic dynamics of short waves in nonlinear dispersive models
M. A. Manna and V. Merle
pp. 6206-6209 [View PDF (110 kB)]


Reply to “Comment on ‘Model kinetic equation for low-density granular flow’ ”
J. J. Brey, F. Moreno, and James W. Dufty
pp. 6212-6213 [View PDF (63 kB)]


Erratum: Classical specific heat of an atomic lattice at low temperature, revisited [Phys. Rev. E 57, 100 (1998)]
Andrea Perronace and Alexander Tenenbaum
pp. 6215 [View PDF (45 kB)]
Erratum: Unified solution of the inverse capacity problem [Phys. Rev. E 57, 1302 (1998)]
Chen Nan-xian and Rong Er-qian
pp. 6216-6217 [View PDF (56 kB)]